Kaos Bola

Friday, May 7, 2010

Sri Mulyani's resignation could be a national political sejukkan

Jakarta-Though somewhat unfortunate resignation of Finance Minister Sri Mulyani as commendable RI. Hopefully this will be able to become Conditioning factors related to government relations with the parliamentary committee dynamics of Century Bank.

"The withdrawal could be a factor Conditioning minister of national politics," said Chairman of the FPS Anas Urbaningrum by phone, Wednesday (5 / 5).
Relations between the government and parliament somewhat influenced by the political dynamics of post-committee of Century Bank. Examples of recent cases is the action and Hanura FPDIP walkout in a plenary session for ratification of the new 2010 Budget Amendment ago.

"Some circles in the parliament losing a point to make an attack," said Anas said, hastily adding that the number of members of Parliament that 'antipathy' towards Sri Mulyani and Boedino only a small part.

As is known, Sri Mulyani received a bid to fill the post Menaging Director of World Bank offices in Washington DC, USA, as of June 1, 2010. Letters demand the resignation of Finance Minister Sri Mulyani as President Yudhoyono of Indonesia has also been approved.

DTC / Tya
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